
Instructor Profile

Graeme is one of the instructors who trains with the study group.

"I started training aikidō in November 2001 under William Andrew Sensei.  Since then I have had the privilege to practice with hundreds of people, and it has taught me to value different perspectives as a way to grow and evolve my skills.

Since February 2017 I have also been studying Musō Shinden-ryū and ZNKR Seitei iaidō under Billy Smart.

One of my key goals is to present and explain aikidō in a straight-forward and concise manner.  I enjoy efficiency and a minimalist approach to applying technique.  Beyond that I feel strongly about building safety and longevity into training practices so that everyone can continue to enjoy aikidō for as long as they want to and the risk of injury is kept to a minimum.  My favourite technique is kotegaeshi, but o-goshi is starting to grow on me!

I work in IT as a technical architect, but in my free time I day-dream about martial arts and terrorise others with my awful sense of humour."

Graeme hates posing for pictures.

Qualifications, Grades, and Certifications

All of the instructors at Sanchin Aikido UK are required to hold Public Liability Insurance, an up-to-date First Aid Qualification, and have sufficient experience (4+ years) training in aikido.  They are also expected to hold at least a basic coaching certification, and maintain an interest in understanding the continually evolving legal, regulatory, and recommended practices that apply to martial arts instruction.

Graeme holds a 5th Dan aikido grade issued by Aikido UK, a 1st Dan aikido grade issued by the Aikikai Foundation, and a 1st Dan iaido grade issued by the British Kendo Association.

He has also completed the following certifications:

You can also review Graeme's record (including up-to-date Instructor Insurance and First Aid Qualification status) using the BMABA Verify website.